Egersund Trawl

Egersund Trawl DK is part of the Egersund Group.

We are a production and service company that puts the customer in focus.

We provide service 24/7 in all our departments in DK.

Including: Skagen, Hirtshals, Hanstholm, Thyborøn, Hvide Sande.

We gladly offer driving to other ports, providing service at the port.


Back in 2011, we developed the first excluder for bottom trawling in Alaska, for reduction of bycatch. Since then, we have had great success with excluders on several fisheries. Since 2014 and in collaboration with fishermen and DPPO we have developed and produced excluders for the Norway pout, sand eel and sprat fisheries.

Currently we have produced well over 200 excluders.

Contact information

Egersund Trawl
Vestmolen 26
9990 Skagen
+45 98 94 58 25

Webbureau ITTP