Spar Nord Bank

Spar Nord is a bank focusing on private customers and the local area’s small and medium-sized companies. Spar Nord has 71 local banks across the country, where 1,471 employees are ready to serve approx. 361,000 private and business customers. With its ambitious business model, Spar Nord offers its customers the best of both worlds – the local and the national. The physical and mental presence of the local bank, where decisions are made locally, and the local competitive situation is taken into account combined with the economies of scale and expertise associated with being a nationwide chain which is attractive to both customers, employees and shareholders.

Spar Nord er et pengeinstitut med fokus på almindelige privatkunder og lokalområdets små og mellemstore virksomheder. Spar Nord har 71 lokale banker landet over, hvor 1.471 medarbejdere står klar til at betjene ca. 361.000 privat- og erhvervskunder. Med sin ambitiøse forretningsmodel tilbyder Spar Nord sine kunder det bedste af to verdener – den lokale og den nationale. Den lokale banks fysiske og mentale nærvær, hvor beslutningerne træffes lokalt, og der tages hensyn til den lokale konkurrencesituation kombineret med de stordriftsfordele og ekspertise, der er forbundet med at være en landsdækkende kæde, der er attraktiv for både kunder, medarbejdere og aktionærer.

A present bank

At Spar Nord, great emphasis is placed on local commitment and a present and unpretentious customer service, a bank adviser who has the time to help and who is available. Spar Nord offers services in the form of loans and credits, credit, and payment intermediation products as well as a wide range of savings products, insurance, and pension products. In addition, via Spar Nord Leasing Spar Nord can offer financing for primarily rolling stock within the core areas of transport, agriculture and construction.

Contact information

Spar Nord Bank
Sct. Laurentii Vej 36
9900 Skagen
+45 96 79 00 50

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