Sparekassen Danmark

Sparekassen Danmark is a strong, local, and independent guarantor savings bank. We have branches on 58 addresses in Jutland and Copenhagen and are Denmark’s largest guarantor savings bank. Our values are common sense, trust, and ambitions. We strive to satisfy the need for capital distribution to both private customers, businesses, and local authorities. At Sparekassen Danmark customers can find an optimal solution to their overall financial needs, including competitive solutions and products within mortgage, insurance, pension, and investment.

Local presence with a strong base

We ensure this by combining the personal service and advice in the local branches with a strong and professional base in the central functions. This also benefits the local business community, to which Sparekassen Danmark is a serious financial sparring partner that emphasizes close contact, dialogue, and service in everyday life, just as the local adviser can make quick decisions when necessary.

Contact information

Sparekassen Danmark
Sct. Laurentii Vej 33
9990 Skagen
+45 82 22 99 90

Webbureau ITTP